Author Archives: Dr. Helga George

About Dr. Helga George

Dr. George has spent several years writing about higher education, healthcare and psychology. She transitioned to a career in writing after fulfilling her lifelong dream of performing research on plant defense chemicals. She earned a BS in Agriculture from Cornell University, an MS in Plant Pathology from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, and a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Cornell University. Helga also conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California Santa Barbara where she obtained a USDA grant to fund her research.

The Latest in Private Investigator Tools

Ever since advanced technologies have made a foray into the workplace, private investigators no longer have to resort to old-fashioned street investigation to gather information. With the latest trends in private investigator tools and technology, the methods of investigation have …

Top Three Private Investigator Cases

People hire private investigators for a number of reasons.  These reasons span the gambit of personal and professional interests and include: the stereotypical spouse who hires a private investigator to help determine if their spouse is cheating on them, the …

Can a Private Investigator Tap Your Phone?

In performing the job duties of a private investigator, knowledge is true power. It would stand to reason, and the more knowledge a PI can accumulate, the more likely he or she will be able to deliver to their clients …

Successful Networking for Private Investigators

Networking is an important element of a private investigator’s business. Establishing a great private investigator network is what helps many in conducting their day-to-day business, be it getting to the end of many inconceivable trials or gathering information to unlock …

How Technology Has Shaped the Private Investigation Industry

Depending on your perspective, technology has either greatly helped or hindered the private investigation industry. There’s no doubt that technology has reshaped the way we gather and disseminate knowledge, and the majority of our actions are memorialized in digital form, …